Thursday, 21 September 2017

have you got any vintage collectables lately?

Have you added to your collection or your displays this year? What have you got? A toy? A collectable? A comic?

I've acquired a new Project SWORD-related toy, which is unusual for me. I'll blog about it later this autumn.

On the general toy front I picked up a a Farah Fawcett and two Sindy's at a local boot sale. 

There is a story behind the Farah doll, which I'll blog when I have all the facts!


  1. Got the Dinky Police Accident unit which was one of my favourite non-sf toys as a kid. Also picked up the Dinky road sweeper in its ufo interceptor colours!

  2. nice one Kev, I always admired the green sweeper, although never got over the green interceptor!

  3. Found a very rare Mego Amazing Spider Car for 2 dollars! I don't think the dealer realized its worth, as it was displayed next to some very common Transformers and 80's GI Joe vehicles.Oh well, I have to win once in a while,don't I?

  4. I was fortunate enough to find a lovely old scrapbook at the bootie, Woodsy. It was an 11 year olds treasured collection of Eagle Comic cutaways, dating from the mid-50s. Wonder whatever became of the original owner?
