Thursday, 31 August 2017

two decades of action man at moonbase part 2

Part 2 of my rogue's gallery of vintage Action Man and accessories which have passed through Moonbase Central over the years I was a toy dealer. What do you think?


  1. Some very nice vintage items there, Woodsy. I especially like those early uniforms, particularly the cricketer who was always a fave and a pretty difficult outfit to get. I see you also had a Mego (Lion Rock) War Heroes figure in the line-up... which is also a welcome addition to any collection! Did to keep any of this fab collection, or was it stock for your eBay enterprise? :)

    1. Thanks Tone. Alas, all sold in the heat of Ebaying back then. Yes, the old uniforms were fabulous. i got them all from an elderly chap who said I could have them if I cleared out his cellar! War Heroes eh? I just hope I said that in the listing back then! Lion Rock made Little Big Man too didn't they.

    2. Cleared out a cellar... what a fantastic way to earn this plunder of vintage Action Man gold dust and build that lovely collection. I understand what you mean about selling in the heat of eBay, Woodsy... there was good money to be made selling these things, back then.
      Oh, Little Big Man was by Bradgate (Palitoy) :)

    3. Yes, for a few years it was a lot of fun selling every day on Ebay Tone. I even had one of their 'shops', a storefront which held all my listings. It all cost money though and eventually I stopped making enough to warrant all the effort and finding good stock became harder. Funny about Lion Rock. I had a nude small Action Man type figure with that brand on the back - will that have been War Heroes too?

  2. Lovely stuff.Ah,to be a child again.There's not much left of my Joes.What's left is in a GI Joe locker with my dad's dog tag numbers written on it,making it priceless.I noticed a catalogue in your photos that had a pic of a six legged,saurion beastie that jarred my memory.In The States he was known as Terron,the beast from beyond, and was the enemy of Super Joe Commander, an 8 inch futuristic version of GI Joe.I'd love to have one of these again, it would look great among the many Kaiju in my office.

    1. That foot locker sounds very special Brian. Thanks for the pictures, which I'll post tonight. I never had a Terron and in fact never even held one at a fleamarket. Can't be too many Terrons around. Your Kaiju office sounds great! Is Godzilla the boss? ha ha

    2. I did some online searches and found that Terron was named Gargon in the UK and was part of the Space Ranger line which is an amazing combination of GI Joe,Star Team,Rom the Space Knight and Henshin Cyborg with a few vehicles that I recognize from Kenner's Six Million Dollar Man line.My Godzilla/Kaiju collection takes up the entire room that I originally intended as an office.I still have a desk and some files there,but using Godzilla as a paper weight indicates a definite change in room stature.I'll send pictures in the future, if you wish.

    3. Yep, pics would be great Brian. Godzilla is my fave Kaiju. The 2015 film is my fave film f all time at the mo. A stupendous movie.The MOTU were fantastically well realised as well. I saw in John Marshall's Monster book that he collects or collected Red king. I'd never heard of Red King back then but see him online regularly now. He's a rare beast in the UK tho'. Never once seen him at a fleamarket or boot sale.

    4. Are you familiar with the Japanese show Ultraman?It makes up a large part of my collection.Red King's pointy little noggin is just the tip of the iceberg!

    5. Nope, never seen it but then again I have had a sheltered life Brian. I know of Ultraman from other collectors and the net. I can dig the Kaiju if there are any in that show. The Japanese are masters of Sci-Fi aren't they!

    6. The funny thing is ,Ultraman has been around since 1966 and keeps re inventing itself year after year.the variety of monsters ( and the resulting toys) is immense!As a matter of fact Godzilla made an appearance once on Ultraman,with a slight modification.

    7. Not sure if it was on here in the UK. If it was Ultraman passed me by. I stopped watching telly after 1979 for ten years so if it was on here in the Eighties I won't have seen it. It must be one of the longest running sci fi shows if its still going?

  3. The Action Man in the picture above the one lying on its side looks like a 4oth Anniversary re-release figure from 2006. I've got one as well, and there's a difference between it and my original one from the '60s - a telltale giveaway that distinguishes them.

    1. All those clothed Action men were given to me by a man in his Eighties, the toys his son had in the Sixties I think Kid. I wish I'd have got some 40th Anni figures for myself esp. the Life Guard, my favourite as a nipper!
