Wednesday, 30 August 2017

steve scout is in the house

This is the Steve Scout figure I found at a local fleamarket. I had to look up the details on his back to work out who he was. I initially had him down for a Little Big Man but he looked too young!

He's posing with my other finds, a 1976 AHI batman parachutist with cape and a 1956 Lesney Prime Mover. The Batman was given to me by a tired seated seller who didn't want to get up to take any money so I insisted on handing her 50 pence!

All three will join my growing Daughter's Wedding Day fund box!

Standing about 8 inches tall, the markings on Steve's back say:

1974 GMF GI  
Kenner Prod
Cin'ti Ohio 45202 
Made in Hong Kong

I don't know much about Kenner's Steve Scout or whether he was available much in the UK  in 1974. Having had a quick look online I'm not sure he ever came with a camo soldier one peice like the one he has on. There are no labels on it but maybe its Little Big Man or Madelman?

New Jersey Reader Brian has a similar Craig Cub figure here, who presumably is meant to be even younger than Steve!

Have you any figures like these readers?


  1. As you probably saw on Plaid Stallions,thereb was some great accessories and playsets for the scouts.I remember that hot air balloon adventure the most.Your Steve Scout should be wearing a Boy Scouts of America uniform,like Craig is wearing his Cub Scout uniform(you are a Cub Scout before you become a Boy Scout).Steve appears to be wearing a uniform from The Defenders,an inexpensive alternative to Hasbro's GI Joe,actually made by Hasbro themselves!A photo is on page 45 of John Marshall's GI Joe and Other Backyard Heroes book,which I believe you have.

    1. Thanks for that Brian. Yeah, the Steve Scout line looks great. Thanks for Defenders tip. I'll check out John M's book. Its in the attic. Just looked at Tomart's action figures book and The defenders are in there too. The camo suit looks promising. Well done!

  2. That's a nice unusual find, Woodsy. I've never found a Steve Scout; although looking at your version and Brian's, I do recognise him from the John Marshall book which you mentioned to me earlier this year. Yep, as you say, wonder if the little fella was available in the UK? You've certainly bagged some nice bootie trophies there... an excellent spot of hunting sir :)
