Sunday, 6 August 2017

movie dolls

Its great fun spotting toys in old films and TV shows and we've done it many times on MC.

Whilst unable to sleep because of a pesky cough last night I watched an old Hammer called The Witches from 1966. A superb shriek of folk horror about witchcraft in Sixties rural England, the movie features two vintage fashion dolls.

Here's the female one in the hands of a young girl stood next to a bric-a-brac stall [what else in on there?].

I can't find a grab of the male doll, which the above boy gives the girl in a blued cardboard box.

I'm no expert on fashion dolls although I have bought and sold quite a few. Bearing in mind this film was made in 1966 by a British company I think the pair of dolls are Sindy and Paul by Palitoy but I'm not sure at all.

Maybe someone who's seen the Witches can let me know!


And so to another 'fashion' doll. When the Zero-X MEV in Thunderbirds Are Go is trundling round Mars and fighting rock snakes it deploys a machine gun from it's roof [bottom pic, unfortunately dark]. 

As soon as I saw it I thought of the Action Man machine gun I had as a kid [top]. Comparing the two there are some similarities but they're not the same. Presumably the movie gun was made by the prop department.

Can you think of any more fashion dolls in films?

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