Monday, 7 August 2017

fire chief helmet anyone\?

I'm pretty sure I had a US style plastic Fire Chief Helmet like this when I was a kid. It was great fun to wear.

About ten years ago I very nearly bought an illuminated version of it still in its box in a discount store full of 80's toys. The box was window faded so I didn't bother. Maybe I should have.

The helmet and light looked like this one on You Tube

I was amazed to see that the toy in this clip was by Radio Shack. I associate them with radio-controlled vehicles and not general toys like this.

Did you have a fire helmet as a youngster readers?


  1. Hi Woodsy. My late Mother worked for a company called Welsh Plastics from around 1963, and all of the employees were able to bring home a selection of toys they produced. One was the Fire Chiefs Helmet as in the first picture!

    The one I had was fitted with a 3D Badge, which was secured through two plastic pins. If it wasn't for your post I would have forgotten I'd ever had one: - I also remember it had a specific smell too, and for some reason to do with the manufacturing process it started to de-laminate in parts, a bit like the layers of an onion!!!

    1. That's a superb memory Bill and glad Moonbase nudged it along. I remember wearing my helmet round the house and garden. I wonder what else Welsh Plastics made?

  2. Welsh plastics made a varied number of products, including a train set with tracks and turntable etc - [I had enough tracks to run the train several times around the house and garden! - Talk about overkill.] - Toy soldiers similar to the TIMPO ones, and this huge detailed racing car big enough to fit an Action Man in. Plus a number of Househould products.

    1. Funny you should mention an Action Man racing car, we're running a feature on one this morning! Welsh Plastics sound an interesting company.
