Saturday, 29 July 2017

Zap! a Scratchbuild of Merit

The ever-busy Kevin Davies has just sent the blog shots of his latest creation, a scaled up scratchbuild of the Merit Supersonic Space Gun! I had one back in the day and with its changing colours and buzzing sounds, it was always a favourite. After picking up a second hand one, Kev was surprised at how small it was to his grown up hand, so recreated it as a 'realistic' prop. Great work Mr D!


  1. That's cool, I like it :)

  2. Thanks. Still not sure if black might've been better than metal finish.

  3. Personally, I like this gunmetal finish. Gives it the retro-look of a 1950s sci fi movie prop. Blimey, I'm always baffled how you make these things :)

  4. Yeah, that was my take on it at first but now I'm second guessing myself. This was a quick build by my standard, took me about 7 days.

  5. Didn't pifco do a version of the toy too? Super scratchbiuld!

  6. Thanks. Somebody did a different version with a simpler front end.
