Friday, 7 July 2017

Russian space review of arto's vintage toy display

Here is an enthusiastic visitor account of the excellent space toy exhibition, which reader Arto recently put together in Helsinki, Finland.

In Russian only!


  1. A 360-degree panorama of the exhibition can be seen here

    The exhibition is open daily until the end of September and then on weekends until the end of the year.

  2. What a -lovely- display, Arto! An excellent cross-section of representative toys and very effective as an introduction to the great variety of space toys. As well as an indication of what must be an astonishing collection. :)

    Your Russian visitor was also impressed, and lamenting the fact that such toys weren't available in the USSR. Google translate link:

    Best -- Paul

    1. Thanks Paul for your kind words and the link to Google translate. Yes the assigment was to provide a sample of what's been out there from the 50's to the 90's. Works also quite well in contrast with the rest of the museum, which has a marvelous collection of antigue toys and games dating from the 19th century mainly to the 1950's.

  3. I agree with Paul, Arto... wow... what a fantastic selelction of beautifully displayed vintage toys. You have some amazing examples of the bygone things we still love and admire. So nice to see them grouped together... what an amazing exhibition! :)

    1. Thanks Tony, I'm glad you like it :)

  4. Yep, your display looks superb Arto! There's something for everyone! I bet you could fill a whole museum with your collection! Well done!

  5. Much appreciated Woodsy :) You may also notice the deliberate omission of Star Wars (apart from some interesting knock-offs), only to put an emphasis on other things that have been going on.

  6. an enviable collection and a fine display too. Myself and a fellow collector of toys and games were lamenting the lack of a good toy museum in blighty, at least near the north west of Lancashire anyway! There was one in Chester as I recall, not sure if Kevin can comment on that one, but I would love to get my toys into the daylight and on display. Its becoming so bad that without the blog id forget what I have myself.

  7. Star Wars is a theme in itself and could fill exhibitions several times over. When Space Toys are mentioned, it always seems to straddle golden age tin robots or fast forward to late seventies star wars era material. What I would like to see is the plastic sixties space toy -outside of Gerry Anderson, which again could fill an exhibition - and look at the likes of LP, Spacex, Clifford and Imperial, not to mention the myriad HK makers. Maybe one day when im rich and famous ill buy a house and convert it into a real life Mars Base and put my goodies on display for all to see!

  8. We are sharing the same dream there Bill. All those fabulous HK goodies is another strain of toys that I would love to display later on. Not to speak of SWORD and its avatars.

    I am confident that you will find a way to display your magnificent collection one day. And when you do, I will be among the first to attend!
