Friday, 14 July 2017

mystery anderson caravan

I'm sure I recently saw an image of a futuristic caravan trailer from an old Gerry Anderson show. It looked like a shortened double-decker version of this transcontinental bus toy.

Anyone know what I'm talking about?



We're getting warmer I think. Just seen this. Its not the double decker but its interesting nonetheless. Anyone know which episode of Joe 90 its from?


  1. It is in a Stingray episode (Loch Ness Monster) where it transports Stingray overland (and is painted yellow).

    1. That's so cool Kev. Thanks a bunch. Never seen the yellow version. It looks like the toy itself and not a model based on it. Do you agree? Still looking for that caravan I saw. Can't believe I didn't save the image when I first saw it online last week! doh!

    2. Yep, it seems very likely it was the toy itself, they did that sort of thing.

    3. I agree its the toy. This website entry on the Heavy Transport Vehicle suggests its a model. Do you think the author Mark F just wasn't aware of the toy?

    4. I would guess he wasn't aware of it. He does put that caveat on his website somewhere.
