Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Little Lost Robot

As vintage space toys have become harder to find, ive moved on to easier targets, such as action figures and small sweet premium type toys, which can be easier to find and sometimes relatively inexpensive. Heres a small gallery of some recent acquisitions.


  1. cool figures and pictures! ew

  2. Awesome shots of awesome toys! Thanks for sharing! You can never go wrong with Microman. That's one toyline that still is going strong and not gotten stale. Heck I think it was last year Hasbro at SDCC offered a Micronaut exclusive. You got a Pharoid, Space Glider, Glactic Defender and an Astrobase.

  3. Bill I love the way you are bringing collecting space more up-to-date, which will become vintage over time. Lovely photos!

  4. Gorgeous snaps Bill. I love the final shot of the robo-warriors!
