Saturday, 1 July 2017

Jurassic Lark by kevin d


Just for a break, I bought these cheap Tamiya dinosaur kits. I've always liked dinosaurs and these two were fun to do.

Take care,



  1. I like them, especially with the TARDIS in the scene :)

  2. Thanks. I think this was the first time in my life I went to buy plants, just for these photos!

  3. woodsy at daughters7/01/2017 4:09 pm

    they look superb Kev. They remind me of the briliant dinosaur models I got as a kid in the Sixties. I remember them as Revell but they may even have been Pyro. Superb box art. My bog brother got some Beatles models at the same time and I think they were Revell. One of them said 'John, the kookiest of them all'.

  4. I quite like buying and planting plants in the garden but my favourites are what most fold consider as weeds like Herb Robert, Hedge Garlic and wild Mint, which I love to see growing wherever it wants in the garden. red Dead Nettle as well, the non-stinger. I also love guerilla gardening, planting random stuff wherever around the beds, nooks and crannies. Favourites include veg being chucked out like leeks and onions. I plant 'em up amidst the flower beds and away they go! ha ha
