Tuesday, 4 July 2017

cultured! my first and best yogurt

I don't know about you but modern yogurts taste thin to me. Fruitless.

I try all sorts: from Aldi, from Lidl, from Tesco.

None of them have the thick fruit I grew up with.

My first recollection of yogurt is still my best, from way back in the Sixties or Seventies.

It was a strawberry Ski yogurt in a glass jar and foil lid [ or it may have been screw on? ]

You could see the fruit inside. Whole strawberries! Yes, whole ones! They were out of this world.

To this day I don't know if those strawberries went in fresh or were they the equally delicious tinned variety?

Doesn't really matter. Strawberry Ski yogurt with whole fruit in a glass jar has never been beaten.

Did you eat yogurt as a kid readers?


  1. Yogurt was just not a part of our home 'cuisine' in the '50s and '60s. My first taste came when I was working at the steel mill in the '70s and bought one out of the vending machine in the snack area. I was totally unprepared for the sour (and to my unsophisticated palete) and what I thought 'spoiled' taste of the concoction - yeccccch! It would be many years before I would attempt another try. Now of course I'm okay with.

    1. ha ha, great memory Ed! I had to laugh at the idea of yoghurt in a steel mill. YYou guys will have wanted great hunks of meat after a shift! Yes, those early yoghurts were much sourer [is that a word?] than modern yogs, which have been sweetened like mad. I actually quite liked that unsweetened taste as long as it was countered with whole strawberries or raspberries! Proper sour milk drinks I can't cope with although a slightly sweetened Buttermilk and Kefir are fine.
