Monday, 19 June 2017

t o o t h a c h e

Alas some things just can't be cured with vintage toys.

Missus Moonbase has come back from a meal out with terrible toothache. There is something just all-consuming about this sort of pain isn't there.

I have been draping wet cold flannels on her face for the last hour in the hope the toothache would subside. Some paracetamols with caffeine have gone down too. I have positioned a large electric fan near her too as its as hot as a docker's armpit tonight.

I just hope when I go upstairs in a bit the poor thing will be sound asleep.

As a kid we got tooth tincture daubed on any offending chompers. It tasted foul and froze your gum, cheek and basically the whole mouth. Its amazing what a few crushed cloves can do! Wish I had some tincture in stock now!

Have you got any personal remedies for toothache readers?


  1. Whew,toothache and a heatwave,my heart goes out.My go to pharmacy purchase would be a gel called Ambesol here in the states.I have no home remedies except patience and time(and chewing with your opposing teeth)God bless.

    1. Thanks Brian, Fortunately my Missus fell asleep and the pain subsided overnight. Its a just mild ache today but she can get on with her life again until her next Dental appointment in two weeks!

  2. Hope Missus Moonbase get over it as quickly as possible. All the best to her!

    1. Thanks Tone. Today is a better day. Tomorrow the Missus flies in an aeroplane so I hope the offending tooth remains calm.
