Monday, 19 June 2017

space car essentials: split windscreens and blister cockpits

I used to love water transfers when I was a nipper.

It was great fun transfering them onto stuff like my arm and my school books!

Here's a neat vintage set I saw on the Bay this year.

I particularly like the tracked moon vehicle just above JFK.

It reminds me of several things at once: the Project SWORD Snow Train and Beetle and the Zero-X MEV.

Those blister cockpits do it for me though. More well-known blisters like these featured on Dan Dare's Anastasia.

But the most similar vehicle I can think of is the Grippity Gravity Transport complete with split windscreen windows.

Here's a very similar vehicle on this old Japanese jigsaw puzzle too.

Does anyone know any more about these split windscreen space vehicles?


  1. Not much to add, but I wonder if those transfers were re-using images form stamps, possibly including Russian ones?

    1. Yep, see what you mean Andy. Despite JFK being on one I can see how some of the machinery might be of Soviet origin. I wonder of their were space-age comics in the USSR like a russian TV21?
