Saturday, 17 June 2017

s u m m e r d a z e

Today was the hottest day of the year in west Yorkshire by a long chalk.

It was a scorcher especially for us normally cool Northern England folk.

Our Daughter's family are over for the weekend and we spent the day in our garden.

It was so warm today that we were in the garden from 9 this morning to 5 tonight. We could have stayed out longer but Baby Grandson needed a nice sleep in the much cooler house.

Its unusual for us to be outside the whole day so everything we needed was carried into the garden: drinks, breakfast, magazines, papers, blankets and baby.

I'd already got the paddling pool filled with water and rubber ducks and the old barbecue ready so we could get straight on with having fun, relaxing and and cooking for a big tea of BBQ burgers, chicken legs, bratwurst, corn on the cobs and salad.


Hows the weather at your end? What you up to?


  1. Thanks for asking Woodsy, great to hear of your perfect day out. It has been a wonderful summer's day also here at our cottage. Been stacking firewood for the winter all day long, but a dip in the lake afterwards made it all worthwhile (not to mention the pleasure of the warmth in the wintertime). Ps. Love those allia glicoensii growing in your garden!

    1. Sounds like the quintessential Finnish summer's day Arto! Stacking wood and lake swimming. Sounds really wonderful. The heatwave continues here and after two days of temperatures near 30 degrees the family is starting to wilt! Lots of cold drinks, outdoor meals and garden shade have seen us through. Its work tomorrow I'm bothered about now, 30 degrees inside a large school campus is just not cool!
