Tuesday, 20 June 2017

i spy with my little eye little spy planes

I've always liked the SpaceX Reconnaissance 2, the small one pictured below 

[larger one above was scratchbiult by Kevin D]

Its such a classic spy plane design that its easy to spot similar toy planes online.

I had to look twice though when I saw this.

I had thought it was a small SpaceX!

Turns out its a Micro Machines miniature by Galoob. I love the SpaceXy colour scheme!

If that wasn't enough spy plane for you then you can even sharpen your pencil with one as you tick off your SpaceX/ Golden Astronauts toys checklist!

Check out the blackbird at the top!

Have you any spy plane toys readers?


For a truly comprehensive look at the designs, features and origins of SpaceX and Golden Astronaut toys
click onto Paul V's superlative website


  1. I had a huge, about 12" blue plastic version. Quite a few pics of a red version can be found here http://toyconnect.blogspot.com/2016/07/gay-toys-or-processed-plastic-sr-71-red.html The blue version http://toyconnect.blogspot.com/2016/01/gay-toys-inc-sr-71-blue-sp.html

    I also had a Bachmann SR-71 but I think it actually was a model of the YF-12 Interceptor as it had small white missles glued underneath and the chines did not reach the nose tip.

    1. Hey that Processed Plastics Blackbird is cool Lance. It must be the most popular of all the X-planes to be made by toy manufacturers as opposed say to the Dyna-Soar, of which there are just a handful of toys. I don't know the Bachmann. Were they miniature die-casts?

    2. Bachmannn planes were mini planes made of plastic and had working landing gear on most of them. Very nicely detailed models. I ran my SR71 as an attack version of the r2.Here's a meh picture with the sr71 in it! http://p2.la-img.com/857/33196/13406314_1_l.jpg


  2. Galoob also made a much better Blackbird later on, Woodsy. Better scaled, no exagerated panel lines and in correct colours. But for the life of me I don't know where I've left it...

    As always, many thanks for the plug to my website!


    1. Sounds like a good rendition of the Blackbird that Paul. I have a tiny black plastoc Blackbird, which I got in the Train Station in Garmisch Partenkirchen. I think it was part of a bagged series called Wings of Fire [blogged in 2009 http://projectswordtoys.blogspot.co.uk/2009/10/wings-of-fire-miniature-spacex.html]

      Plugging your site is a pleasure. I love checking the Whats New button. I was amazed by the June entries! A brown P3 Helicopter! Wow! Its the sign of a top site when you can see stuff you probably wouldn't see anywhere else.

  3. Theres a Robo Machines Blackbird, which is quite nice and I had a neat diecast version with the hypersonic drone piggyback, too.

    1. never heard of that one Bill. Robo Machines is not a line I know but having just googled them I see its a Transformers-type toy. I love the fact the Blackbird can be displayed on its own stand.
