Monday, 12 June 2017

heritage spaceship by malcolm stokes

Malcolm Stokes drew some of the Project SWORD illustrations.

This is from a wholly different strip called The Heritage, 1973.

Have you got any Malcolm Stokes illustrations?


  1. Hi Woodsy, Pretty sure he did a Fireball XL5 story and a Captain Scarlet one for the early issues of Countdown comic - I can look them up and post copies if need be - ? Isn't the Heritage illo from a paperback of SF stories? Seem to recall buying based on my liking for the artwork that when on holidays somewhere and it's the only time I can recall that format - well at least back in the 70's Pity the idea never caught on in a big way.

    1. Any Malcolm Stokes artwork would be great to show on the blog Mike thanks especially as he was such a prolific SWORD illustrator.Yes, The Heritage is from a paperbook collection of kids' SF stories and strips called Tales from the Galaxies. I blogged about it a while ago now.

      I used to love kids paperbacks in the Sixties and Seventies like this - and like the Armada book of Ghost Stories and a book with a sea monster on the front like Nessie, just not sure what it was called.
