Saturday, 3 June 2017

blue box secret missiles base and other space toys from the athos collection

These super pictures were sent in by reader Athos Chrysafis.

Anyone got any of these Blue Box toys?

[not sure what make the bagatelle is]

Athos is keen to part with them.


Here's a similar loose base station by Imperial Toys from their 1979 Apollo Moon Exploring carded range. Picture from auction site.

Their are actually a lot of differences with the Blue Box missile base pictured top.

and I thought it might be like this by Delamare but nope, wrong again! [pic: Alphadrome]

Following Hugh's suggestion I checked Deluxe Reading's rocket base. There's a nice run down of the figures over on the neat Little Warriors blog

and this cool shot of the base station with missiles [ pic: Little Warriors ]

By Jove, Hugh's got it!

Here's the Blue Box version again


I Blogged this whilst rock-weeping to the romantic brilliance of Budgie's Young is a World, one of my favourite rock tracks ever. I've been listening to it since 1972! Haling from Wales, Budgie were the best heavy rock trio in the world!


  1. Never seen the missile base - awesome! And are they piracies of the Topper/Deluxe Reading ground-crew? Hard Plastic? Marked?

    Thanks Mr. Chrysafis!


    1. Not sure Hugh. Hoefully Athos will read these comments and let us know. The base is similar if not the same as the Imperial Apollo Moon Exploring carded toy. There's also something like it by Delware or something like that. Maybe Bill and Paul V can shed some light.

  2. You know that album cover was painted from a model of a SR71 Blackbird married to a birds skull (possibly also a blackbird...but it looks like a gull) Roger Dean found on a walk!

    And his similar elephants have Zylmex AMX30 French MBT heads . . .


    1. ha ha, I've seen those Roger Dean models Hugh. Their in his Seventies book. Is it called Views? I have a copy in the attic somewhere! He was a brilliant artist.
