Friday, 2 June 2017

a day to get my vintage toys out

Yesterday was one of those days when I got some toys out in the garden!

I try to do it at least once or twice each summer.

This time it was Action Man!

I made a coffee, got out some reference books and spread out the toys around the sun lounger!


Whilst I was snoozing Accy Man snuck off to take a sneaky peek at his pecs in the mirror!


  1. I wonder why Hasbro/ Palitoy et al decided to give AM blue Y-fronts rather than leave him in his birthday suit?

  2. I think the blue pants were introduced when the figure design and articulation system changed over to the 'New Dynamic Body', somewhere around 1978-onwards. The new physique range included boxed uniformed figures, and a boxed 'Basic Figure', which was sold without a uniform. The new physique was illustrated on the Basic Figure's colourful box, so perhaps the inclusion of pants may have been a necessary aesthetic for marketing, Woodsy? I'd be interested to know :)

  3. Well, I'd imagine that it was because it suggested he had 'man-bits' under his shorts, whereas it was all-too obvious in the original design that he'd had a terrible industrial accident 'downstairs'.

    1. I can see the marketing now Kid: Eagle Eyes, Gripping Hands, Real Hair and Man Bits! ha ha

      I sometimes see those Gripping digits described as Kung Fu hands. I love that. If you can grip you can do Kung Fu!
