Monday, 22 May 2017

stamp collecting in the sixties

I was never a trainspotter as a kid but I did collect stamps for a while.

In fact everyone I knew collected something. My brother collected matchboxes and someone collected beer bottle tops.

My stamp collecting wasn't really that serious but I did enjoy the little philately I did during the late Sixties and the early Seventies.

I had a large hardback book on stamp collecting, which I really liked. It was probably published by Stanley Gibbons via Hamlyn or Collins. I'd love a copy of it now.

My actual stamps were all classics of their day from around the globe. I recall the World Cup, Concorde, Christmas but above all I remember dinosaurs. I think they may have have been marked Polska or Magyar something [Hungary?]. I adored those pictures .

They reminded me of my plastic model dinosaurs by Revell I think. the box art was equally as cool as the stamps.

Did you collect stamps as a kid or maybe something else?


  1. For a while, I collected the metal badges off cars. This didn't involve the vandalism you might think. There were lots of abandoned, wrecked cars where I used to play and my Dad worked in a car body repair shop, so badges could be had!

    1. Now that's a cool collection area Kev. Which were your faves?

    2. Quite liked the big ones like a long chevron that was from the bonnet of a 'Consul"

    3. Oh wow... a full set of original Mars Attacks cards! That has to be the grail piece of gum cards... the stuff of dreams, Woodsy! What an astonishing carboot find. The gods of good fortune were certainly guiding you around that particular bootie. I've never had that calibre of carboot find... nothing even close to it in fact... but I live in hope, especially when I hear stories like this from collectors like yourself. Well done, that's amazing :D

  2. I remember collecting various breakfast cereal premuims such as Kellogg's Crater Critters, Woodsy. They were good currency at school. Also, The Race Into Space cards which came with Brooke Bond PG Tips. Gum cards were also a pocket money fave to collect and trade :)

    1. Don't think I ever had any Crater Critters Tone. I know Bill did and they are a popular collecting area now. There's a site called King Crater. Gum cards were a fave for me too. As an adult my greatest ever car boot find was a full set of original ABC Mars Attacks cards. What a feeling that was!

  3. Still got Race Into Space cards, one set in an album and one set framed on the wall.

    1. Yep, they are a cool set. I often see full books in bric a brac shops along with Dinosaurs and one on Motor cars I think.

  4. i collected stamps for some years,my mom was secretary in a office that had customer from any part of the world,so i learned geography in this way..

    1. what a brilliant way to collect EW, through your Mum's office! Did you keep any stamps?

    2. yes,i have again my stamp albums!!

    3. Send us some pictures EW!

  5. I still have my stamp album somewhere Woodsy, including those Polish dinosaur stamps.
    If I find it, I'll send you some scans!

    1. Yay! That's great Andy. It'd be great to see 'em again!

  6. Collected stamps when I was a kid. Saved my allowance (25 cents a week) to save up $3.50 cents for an album to put them in.This was in the late 60s. Still have them. Many stamps from Europe, as my Dad was in the military and we lived in Germany at the time. Haven't looked at them in ages!
    Sacramento, CA

  7. how about the silver coin tokens given away with Shell petrol? There was a Man in Space set and loads of (dull) football ones!

    1. I loved those coins! There were Thunderbirds ones too wasn't there. Remember the plastic football heads?
