Friday, 26 May 2017

fading letters

A strange thing happened today.

My workmates were discussing higher education and someone said 'well no-one in this team has any A-levels so it doesn't matter'.

I do have A-levels and more than that. For what its worth I have letters after my name. But I chose not to admit it for fear of appearing a 'clever dick'.

When I did this I realised two things.

 - all those years of study doing A Levels, studying for a year in Snowdonia National Park, doing a further two years in Countryside Management in Farnborough and during a career in urban conservation sitting professional exams in Charity Fundraising Management giving me those letters, now fading, after my name, they had all become obsolete in the time it took me to say nothing.

- my old life as an ambitious young man in the late 1980's, 90's and 00's was well and truly over and that any notion of ambition at work had left me for good. 

Its a sobering thought to know that when I chose to end my 'proper' career in 2006 I was basically ending any need for all that study I did during the 1970's, 80's and late 90's. I had had enough of the politics and compromise.

I suppose its a sign of getting older having to let go of the past. I have now become rather sedate I have to admit.

I am now biding my time in a routine job, from which I hope to retire from in 4 years.

On the wrong side of my mid-Fifties my new ambitions are all largely emotive I suppose: I would like to see my new Grandson thrive, I would like to give my Daughter away on her Wedding Day and see her Mother's beaming but tearful smile as the happy couple set off on their new life together.

On a personal level I would like to write more, perhaps even a novel and maybe publish a book on toys. 

Oh and maybe own the metallic blue Stingray that's parked across the road like a life-size redline Hot Wheels!

What ambitions do you have readers? Or are they all realised?


  1. Well I've wanted to be an ex-teacher for nearly 30 years and now I am!
    Kevin Davies BSc.(hons) P.G.C.E.

    1. Yay! well done Kev. Job done! Yesterday was the final day for all current teachers to hand in their notice this school year. I bet there was a mad dash! Fortunately I can hand mine in whenever I want. What's next on the workbench then?

    2. Yep! Next on the workbench is the huge (32") USS Enterprise from original Trek. There's a lot of windows to light up in it!

    3. You dunni have the power Cap'n!

  2. I guess as we grow older we tend to drift from our original career paths and goals for a variety of reasons, Woodsy. Sometimes rendering hard won qualifications and experiences redundant in what we do now. Personally, I like your emotive ambitions. I can think of nothing better than being there to watch the next generation grow and flourish. There's still a few things I'd like to achieve though, but there's plenty of time for that further down the line, when I grow up :)

    1. Ha ha! I like that 'when I grow up'. You're Peter Pan really aren't you Tone. Second star to the right and straight on till morning!

    2. 'Second star to the right and straight on till morning!'... ha ha brilliant, Woodsy. These magical words also appear in the Kate Bush song, 'In Search of Peter Pan' :)

  3. When I was young I had all manner of ambitions- some fulfilled, others not -there weren't many openings for spacemen(!). I find as one achieves a goal, others come along, -new challenges I suppose. I'm becoming aware as I get older that there are now a finite number of things I can still achieve (time and health permitting), so have to be more selective.

    1. I now what you mean Andy. The last 18 months have been the first were bouts of poor health took centre stage for me. It all came as quite a shock to realise that I am really getting older than I thought I was! Yes, a selective future but a fun one too! Where's that typewriter!

  4. My ambition is to outlive everyone I know and everyone they know. (And your Scottish accent is appalling. 'Ye dinnae ha'e the pow'r, Cap'n' would be more accurate. 'Though come to think of it, Scotty's accent was appalling as well.)

    1. A bit like Wolverine then Kid! You just need some adamantium, long side-burns and a short fuse! Ha ha!
