Saturday, 20 May 2017

century 21 toys project sword badges 6: the nuclear ferry

This short film* rounds off my recent project looking at Project SWORD badges. In it I discuss the Nuclear Ferry's. In my own loaned example its a blue ASTRONAUT badge.

My online review of other Nuclear Ferry toys also revealed these badges:

The common badge among these Ferries is the red COMMANDER.

Obviously not having any reference as to which badge it should be on the toy's box makes this almost academic but the COMMANDER badge seems to me to be a more feasible option for such a large toy.

Whilst writing this I also got excited about the prospect of a PHASE 2 badge with the Nuclear ferry but that's just wishful thinking on my part!

What do you think about the Ferry's badge or indeed the mysterious specification sheet mentioned in the film?

This short film is an extract from a much longer video I made about the Nuclear Ferry in 2014 on You Tube.


  1. An excellent conclusion for a great series Woodsy. Given the scarcity of the NF, perhaps the production of the toy was limited to a test run only, and the specification sheet never made it to - or further than - the drawing board.

    1. Thanks Arto. it was fun to do. Yes, I think you're right, maybe the NF Spec Sheet was just a glint in a draughtman's eye. I think it would have explained the various components of the to and how to use them, rather like the Moon Bus and Moon Ranger instruction sheets and maybe even the SpaceX instruction sheets found in the larger toys like the Nuclear Pulse. We can wonder!
