Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Century 21 Project SWORD Badges Part 5: Worn out!

Here's a the very final bit of my Project SWORD Badges stocktake on video. It covers the Scramble Bug, Apollo Saturn and Cape Kennedy Set. Hope you enjoy it.

There will be a follow up article to round everything off soon. Readers Arto and Tony have kindly sent me pictures of a badge or two and these will feature too.

Wear those badges with pride!


  1. Great achievement bravely concluded, Woodsy! Would it be too much to ask for a simple table of the results, for future reference.

    Just checked my Cape Kennedy Set which is supposed to have come with first-owner original contents. Found an Astronaut badge still inside the folded manual.

    1. Thanks Arto. A table is a great idea.

      I think some badges were bound to have been mis-boxed in the factory. - it must have happened with loads of toys. Do you?

  2. Well done, Woodsy... what an enjoyable and informative series of films. Hope you cover more subjects in a similar way :)

    1. Cheers Tone. they are fun to do. Have a go!
