Wednesday, 17 May 2017

butlers of oblivion

I can't help thinking about these new fangled gadgets advertised on telly.

First there was the Amazon Echo and now Google have one too. The things stand somewhere in the living room by the looks of it and you ask it stuff.

More to the point you ask it to do things.

So just how far would these gizmos go to carry out these instructions?

A general train enquiry would be perfectly reasonable, say - what time is the next train to Leeds?

But what if I asked one to buy me a Project SWORD Moon Bus?

Would the machine find one on Ebay or somewhere and actually go ahead and buy it? Are they linked to Paypal accounts say? What else are they linked to? Health records? 

I can think of much grittier scenarios as well, along the lines of the film War Games, the euphemism 'Wouldn't you prefer a nice game of chess Professor?' now embedded into popular culture.

Just how far do these new things go to obey their masters?

Does anyone have one of these electronic butlers?

is this the beginning of the white-hot Thunderbirds future us Sixties kids are all craving?

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