Thursday, 13 April 2017

blue box space jumper: is it just an ugly space toy?

I just don't know. This maybe very ugly as space toys go.

But the design does have traction.

I've never seen it in action but I assume it jumps like a grasshopper.

I've seen something similar - at least walking - in old NASA experiments as covered in various Sixties publications like LIFE. There's even footage on YouTube of an early walking test in 1961.

(Sorry, can't find the footage at the mo)

So what do you think readers? Ugly? Authentic? What?


  1. I've just tried to click on the link, it doesn't work try reposting

  2. ~Probably the worst toy I have seen- a jumping flashlight!

  3. I quite like it, but would prefer the red, white and blue version!

  4. Reminds of the Tomy air powered hopper from the 80's.
