I caught the Hammer sequel to Woman in Black in to the other night. It was called Angel of Death.
Now I'm a huge fan of of the woman in black in its original book form and the subsequent TV film made in 1989, which was a masterpiece of gothic cinema in my opinion.
It was always going to be a tall order to achieve anything like the quality of that 1989 production. The first modern attempt with Harry Potter Radcliffe playing Arther Kidd failed miserably on every level.
I watched 20 minutes of its sequel Angel of Death before I ended the ordeal. Like it's modern predecessor it was an incoherent jumble of lost ideas and pointless scenes. The scariest thing was how awful it was.
Gallingly they had even cast a balding Adrian Rawlins, the original actor who played Arther Kidd so convincingly in 1989. He must have been embarrassed with such dross.
Typical of modern horror remakes Angel of Death was drenched in unnecessary music, filmed in Vaseline and incapable of building any tension whatsoever. My socks are scarier.
The house of Hammer completely missed its nail with this mess.
What do you think readers?
Haven't seen the sequel, but saw the Radcliffe version of WIB on TV a year or two back and thought it was all right. Having said that, I had nothing to compare it to because I haven't seen the 1989 version.