Sunday, 12 March 2017

tv movies anyone?

Having just watched Horror at 30,000 feet on You Tube I realised that I still love those old TV movies like this one.

I'm still not sure why they made TV movies but for some reason they work. Were they all American?

They are also easily recognisable, which again is a mystery. It could be the pauses in between acts, a bit like the gaps in a series shown all at once.

I wonder if any of them were good enough to spawn some toys and games?

Did you and do you like TV movies and what's your favourite?


  1. One of my faves is Snowbeast from the 70's, about a yeti like creature..Apparently everyone in my town must have watched it because all the kids were buzzing about it the next school day.Another one I liked was the 3 part remake of the Shining from the 90's, which didn't have the strong characters like Jack Nicholson and Scatman Crothers, but was faithful to the actual book, which I had read before Kubrick's film.Lastly Peter Benchley's The Beast and also Creature were mild disappointments as they didn't closely follow the stories Beast and White Shark respectively and the special effects were not great.

    1. Yep Briam, its a coll flick is Snow Beast. We've chatted about it before . I haven't seen Benchley based TV movie but will look them up as I love Jaws. I started watching a George Kennedy TV movie called Death Ship this morning on You Tube. It reminded me of the Shining, a sort of Overlook Hotel on the ocean full of ghosts! One of my fave TV movies as a kid was about a deranged old woman who buried hapless strangers in her flower beds. For the life of me I can't remember what it was called but it was American and in colour! Very creepy at the time. The woman had a specially unpleasant laugh!

    2. Two more on my campy faves list would be The Last Dinosaur and The Bermuda Depths,both are American/Japanese studio efforts.The weatherman says I'm in for a blizzard tomorrow night so maybe I'll dust off the DVD's and have a double feature.

    3. Read about the polar weather heading your way Brian. It maybe there already! There's a picture online of a house completely frozen in ice on Lake Ontario in New York State. It's so cold round your end! I thought Britain was cold!

    4. It looks like I'm just south of the snowstorm and it looks like I will mostly get rain and wind,what we call a Nor'Easter in these parts.BTW, I just saw Kong Skull Island about an hour ago.Good one!Action packed, worth the 3D price, which with my Regal club card cost $13.Saved about 3 dollars although everything is overpriced in Jersey.I think you'll like the soundtrack ;)

    5. Lookin forward to seeing Kong Brian. Is it better than the Jack Black version?

    6. The new one is not as long,and has lots of action.The only prob I have with the Jackson version is it's too long and is slow for the first hour.

  2. No idea, we had 3 channels in my youth,one dutch and two german.Dad was the remote.
    They sucked but so were our toys , if you had 3 toycars or a single game that was enough, back then you could play outdoor, socialize.

    1. ha ha, love that, Dad was the remote! That;s so familiar. My Dad ruled the TV controls as well in the Sixties but I did get to watch what I wanted too. Ye[, playing out was part of childhood back then as well as TV. So are you not nostalgic about the toys you had Hemaworstje?
