Sunday 5 March 2017


A few photos of some of the Spectrum agents on display at the Fanderson 'Future is Fantastic' convention held in 2015.

Unfortunately I'm not 100% sure who owns the puppets or which may be original or replica. Also who made those magnificent sets they were displayed in?

I've no doubt some of you will have the answers so any info would be most appreciated, If I get any updates I'll amend the post accordingly.

UPDATE: A Gerry Anderson prop expert who prefers to remain anonymous, but I can assure everyone his knowledge is accurate  has kindly contacted me with pretty much all the required info on all the puppets pictured.

UPDATE 2: I've also been informed that puppet master, Chris King organised the display, and that many of the puppets are from his own collection, so a big thumbs up to him . Hopefully, he'll be  bringing them along to the next Fanderson convention in October. Many of you might know that Chris was the man who organised the two fantastic RAF Cosford events a few years ago

Our Indestructible hero, his name Captain Scarlet.
This is a very good replica.

 Doctor Fawn, Captain Grey, Lieutenant Green and Captain Ochre.
I'm told the above photo comprises of an original 'under control' Doctor Fawn with skin darkened for an appearance in Joe 90: Original 'Grinner' Captain Grey: Original Lt. Green: Replica Captain Ochre.

Rhapsody Angel which I'm told is original.

Colonel White. This is suspected to be original, but was revamped with black hair for an appearance in Joe 90, and has subsequently been re-wigged with white hair.

Captain Magenta and  Doctor Fawn .
Both puppets are original. Capt. Magenta is a 'smiler', while Dr. Fawn is a ' grinner'
(A smiler has a moving mouth: a grinner has a fixed open mouthed grin. Several grinners were made but only two are suspected  to have been completed ( Green and Blue), however, only Blue appears on screen in a single shot in Crater 101)

With Col. White, Captain Magenta and Doctor Fawn are three puppets used  to appear as different characters  throughout  the series. The one standing next to Doctor Fawn I think was used to play General Tempo in 'Operation Time', The next puppet looks like President Younger from 'The Mysterons' , and the puppet to the far right  looks like  Frazer in 'Crater 101'.

In the final picture, I'm told the three puppets on the right are actually Jason Smith from Fire at Rig 15 (re-wigged for an appearance in The Secret Service, Andre Verdain (possibly wearing original clothes and gloves) from Model Spy, and, I finally got one right, it is Frazer from Crater 101. My expert adds that as is normal with these things, it's just the head that is original.

I like to thank my anonymous expert for helping me out here with some excellent informative info. 


  1. Excellent shots of the puppets Scoop and it's great that you got some expert info as well. Its cool when that happens and things come together. I loved the grinners and smilers detail!

    1. Yeah, the puppets look absolutely stunning close up, a credit to the restorers,and getting that extra inside info was a real bonus.
