Saturday, 25 March 2017

new explorer 12 research: sound recording of the launch of the toys in 1987

Earlier in the year I came across an obscure reference to a sound file for what may have been Explorer 12.

I contacted the source, the Essex Record Office, and asked about the file. Martin Astell, the Sound Archivist, explained that it was a short recording of the launch event for a toy line with commentary by a reporter. The toy line was Explorer 12!

I was excited now and asked about publication costs. Alas, these ran into hundreds of pounds for a worldwide upload to Moonbase Central. I was deflated.

However, Martin kindly suggested an alternative! Essex Record Office were keen to grow their Soundcloud website of published recordings and if I was interested the Explorer 12 tape could be next!

Was I interested? Your'e darn tootin!

So, with the help of the Essex Record Office and their Soundcloud site, I can bring you for the first time on Moonbase Central the launch of the BHS Explorer 12 toy range in London in August 1987 with reporter Dennis Rookard. Its about 5 minutes long. Enjoy!

Click on the the third track below on the list, 'Explorer 12'.


  1. what a coup! Beats me how you find this stuff Woodsy! With the silver lycra and flashing lights, it coukd bevthe project sword launch twenty years on! The commentator is hilarious, not sure it came up to his expectations! Even the BHS staff were a bit lacklustre, no wonder the US was dominating the market with such half hearted promotion!

    1. I can't believe hoe 1987 sounds so old and staid. You're right though. It could easily be the Project SWORD toys launch at HatchettsClub that weVe featured many times! When we do all get to space we will clearly be wearing silver Lycra I agree!
