Sunday 19 February 2017


Another three examples of the same vehicle or craft made by different manufacturers, and this time I'm looking at SHADO's first line of defence - The Moonbase Interceptor.

The Product Enterprise version is a fine example.It's got excellent detail and looks very accurate. As these models  appeared towards the end of Product Enterprise's run  they aren't that  common  which, unfortunately makes them fairly pricey these days. They come in a double pack with the P.E. UFO.

Another small, but perfectly formed Interceptor model from Konami. Like most of the Konami range there's quite a bit of detail even though it's less than three inches long.

Last, but certainly not least, the Dinky Interceptor painted in a glorious metallic light green, not that anyone ever notices, of course!! Mind you, I'm sure someone is bound to mention it's not the same colour as in the show, and go on to wonder why. There's a couple of theories about that. One is Dinky had a lot of paint over from another (Road Sweeper) toy, the other is Dinky didn't consider white a good selling colour. Whatever the reason I still think it's an attractive toy, and pretty accurate too, as Dinky had one of the original TV props at their offices for quite a long time, which, I believe was eventually rescued by long time Anderson prop collector  Phil Rae, who found it in a very sorry state.


  1. Nice pics, Scoop ! The Dinky is an old childhood friend, but I do like the Product Enterprise version. It's one I've often ummed and aahed over.

    1. Yeah, the Dinky fills me with nostalgia taking me back to when I first watched Ufo when it was first shown. The Product Enterprise is an instant masterpiece, no building or painting, and a great display item. It's no wonder they go for a fortune these days.
