Wednesday, 4 January 2017

the fauna of prometheus

The alien fauna of the brilliant movie Prometheus has been bugging me. 

I don't think there's any flora so I'll stick to the critters.

The alien fauna is as follows as far as I saw:

  1. Engineers
  2. Engineers Earth gloop
  3. Black vase gloop
  4. Writhing ground worms
  5. Hammerhead snake thing
  6. Xenomorphs

This is my take on how these guys connect together to form some kind of chain, a xeno-system perhaps:

The Engineers have fabricated a type of life-giving gloop, with which they bio-form a young Earth. This same fluid is stockpiled in huge vase vaults in planets scattered across the Universe.

Some fluid leaks out of these vases onto the ground over time giving rise to worms writhing in the stuff. These worms grow into Hammerhead snake aliens.

These hammerheads, on entering the human body, are one way in which a Human can be morphed into a Xenomorph alien. 

Direct ingestion of the black vase gloop can also give rise to humanoid Xenomorphs, the apex of the chain.

This is just my own take on the unnatural history of Ridley Scott's Prometheus.

What do you think?


  1. wooo, how long have you got? First off, the Engineers arent part of the system, theyre invaders. The black gloop is some kind of transmugenic agent, a bio weapon, which changes life forms. The worms are native to LV427 or whatever the planets called and after being exposed to the goo, rapidly mutate into hammerheads. The goo presumably makes any living thing able to further mutate, so when it is introduced into the human body, either by the mouth or via ingestion in the wine,it uses the genetic material to procreate. after intercourse with his partner, the girl becomes pregnant with whats referred to as the Trilobite. This later attacks an engineer and produces a further life form called the Deacon, which burst out at the end. For me, this is the films failing,theres no cohesion between the process,or connection between the host body and the mutation. Looks like the next film, Paradise will deviate even further too!

    1. Wow, Bill you must be related to Giger! That!s a fab explanation. Who came up with names like the Deacon?

  2. its woolly at best, but in the ballpark. Deacon and Trilobite are the names used by the production crew to describe the creatures. Deacon as hes got a pointy head like a clergymans hat!

  3. as in the previous alien films, the Alien itself takes genetic material from the host and uses that to create a new creature capable of survival in extremis and being a killing machine. The basic form is adapted dependant on the host, so we have the original Kane alien resulting from human stock, the more spidery insectoid Aliens in Camerons film, born from the queen - which may be closer to the original being and the dog alien from Alien 3, which emerges from the Rottweiler. Things get really messed up with Alien 4, with the third generation Newborn, the product of natural gestation in Ripley.

    1. are you sure youre not Ridley Scott Bill? So here's another question. Why did the Engineers end up loathing the Human race?

    2. because they were a failed experiment, weak and uncontrollable

    3. So would Earth have been sent some of those nasty vases or had the rot been set by Engineers already here? Who were the vases for?

  4. earth was largely abandoned after the initial contact, but when the awakened engineer realised that the earth mutations had achieved space travel, he was going to return and wipe the slate clean. presumably the vases were stored bio weapons, ready to use as a threat, deterrent, bargaining chip or the means to wipe out every other sentient species, giving the Engineers the run of the system

    1. So the Engineers seeded human life only to get hacked off and want to destroy it and this process was repeated across the universe? More like Demolishers than Engineers!
