Monday, 9 January 2017

SpaceX Star Zinger

This is the Starbood of the Japanese Star Zinger toy line.

I know nothing about Star Zinger but Starbood reminds me a lot of our friend the SpaceX T-5 Tractor shown below courtesy of Bill B [Terrain Tiger in the US].

They're even the same colour!

The black and white advert below is even more similar!

It even has similar wheels!

Lets not forget either that there is a version of the T-5 Tractor from Mexico with canons on top too seen on Ebay a few years back.

Then again the Starbood also has a look of the Imai Thunderbird 7 about it, that's the Project SWORD Beetle to you and me!

What do you think readers?

Anyone collect Star Zinger?


  1. I saw a damaged one on ebay a while back and was tempted to bid, because of the T5 similarity, but I think it went before I got round to it.

    1. you should have put the ton on it!

    2. I have one of those spaceships. Functional, with box.
      You remember how mush it was sold for?
