Saturday, 7 January 2017

saturday night mini sci-fi quiz

Here's a mini brain teaser for readers before they go out on the raz and Brian snowed in in Jersey!

Just ONE answer PER reader please so we share the love.

  1. A dystopia where citizens live on nothing more than green wafers.
  2. A Stephen King world where time is eaten by critters [minus The].
  3. The cat whose collar meant 'worlds' to one great big 'bug'.
  4. Fighting hybrids of orcs and men bred by Saruman.
  5. Saying Klaatu Barada Nikto led to it staying put.
  6. Film in which one 'Eddie' would like to get his claws into one 'Karen' [minus The]

As a double-check the initial letters of the 6 answers

spell the town where Tracy Island was located!

Go do it!


  1. 5. Would that be Gort, Woodsy ?

  2. No. 3 The cat's name is Orion

  3. i might be wrong here, and if I am I do apologise, but I believe the town that Tracy Island was located has six letters in it and doesn't end with G.

    1. mo need to apologise, your're quite correct scoop! doh! Serves me right for rushing! I'll add another question!

  4. both correctomundo guys!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Not sure why you've deleted your answer Steve P. It was right.

    2. You mean you can still see it? Damn. Let me take question 6 instead. Eddie was the name of the werewolf in the Munsters(clever,geddit?). If I was Eddie I'd like to get my claws into the lovely Dee Wallace who played Karen in (the) HOWLING.

    3. Yep, well done Steve, the Howling it is. Eddie Quist's finest hour. I adored the drawings "he" did in his bedroom. They were class. As regards seeing deleted comments, no, blog readers can't see them. They are deleted. But as I,m the blog administrator I get all comments emailed to me so that,s how I saw it. Cheers.

  6. #4 The Fighting Uruk Hai!And yes, I need the strength of a fighting mad Orc to shovel this driveway.My house is 60 meters from the road and I WILL have it cleared by nightfall.

    1. That's them Bri! Grumpy fellas they are too! For the purposes of the final Tracy Island location Uruk hai will do. As for the snow, get the GI Joe Arctic Patrol figure out there on his skis! I loved my Action Man version as a kid and got him to slide down the sloped drive we had after it had snowed. happy days.

  7. erm... would #1 be Soylent Green?

    Best -- Paul

    1. That,s the one Paul. A world of biscuits.

  8. No 2 = The Langoliers !

    1. You got it! That's the last one Bill. So what do the initials of all 6 answers spell out, the town where Tracy really was?

    2. Yup, that's it! you knew it all along Scoop! Ta for helping me sort it!
