Monday, 2 January 2017

back to work?

Well, its 2017, the Xmas decs are coming down and I'm back at work tomorrow after a glorious two week Christmas break.

Must say I'm dreading going back!

Are you going back to work tomorrow or will you still be off having fun with your vintage toys?


  1. I'm back tomorrow after two weeks off, and now I'm quite happy to get back into it. By lunch time I'll have forgotten all about the holidays. At some point tomorrow I've got to book the hotel for this years Fanderson , and when I get in from work watch a couple of Lost in Space episodes from a box set I just got. 2017 - BRING IT ON!

    1. When is Fanderson Scoop? Do you have to be a member?

    2. It's at the end of September, so a while off yet.You don't have to be a member to go.

  2. I've retired (it's really tricky to write that without it sounding smug, sorry!)

    1. I don't plan to retire anytime soon, Kev, I'm lucky in that I enjoy doing what I do. I don't mind the odd holiday, but not all the time. :D

    2. ha ha! Lucky you Kev! There's a physics teaching vacancy round here of you're interested!

  3. Yes, sadly also back to work tomorrow, Woodsy. I wish I had Scoops motivation... not to mention his Lost in Space boxed set :D

    1. As you may have spotted on my recent posts,Tony, I'm going through a bit of an Irwin Allen phase. : D

    2. Maybe someone should do an after shave called Motivation. Apply liberally every day. You never know!

  4. What I'm dreading is having to take down the Christmas decorations. It takes me ages. They'll never be down by the 6th. Maybe one year I'll just leave them up from one Christmas to the next.

    1. It is a bauble ache for sure Kid. I remember when the real tree came down in the Sixties there was always a couple of chocolates in foil still hanging on in there. It was a tradition to look for them before the tree was taken outside for burning. I recall my fave tree chods where shaped like lanterns wrapped in metallic coloured foil.
