Wednesday, 14 December 2016

movies over christmas

Which film would you love to see on at Christmas?

Assuming that Home Alone will be on anyway, I'd have to say the new Godzilla from a couple of years ago.

Any chance!

Anyone know what is on on your part of the world?


  1. 1951's 'Scrooge' with Alastair Sim. It's on Channel 5 this Christmas in glorious black and white. Awesome.

    1. Yep, a classic Yorkie. The gothic boss of them all. Funny how e tend to remember Scrooge as a miser when he was really Mister Christmas by the end of the story. I also like Scrooged with Bill Murray. A real laugh!

  2. Kubrick's 'The Shining'. The perfect chilly winter's night movie for me, Woodsy :)

    1. Heeeeeeeere's Santa! Wow, now that's a movie Tone. The Overlook Hotel. Not sure I'd wanna stay there over the winter even if I did want to write a novel! What was the name of the creepy butler? Can't remember!

    2. Jack: 'What do they call you around here, Jeevesy?'
      Grady: 'Grady, sir. Delbert Grady'.

    3. God yes, Delbert Grady. He was sinister, especially when he gave his dark advice to the impressionable Jack. Yikes!

  3. One channel here shows "A Christmas Story" all day on Christmas Eve and Day.Also "A Charlie Brown Christmas " will be on between now and then.I like the recent Disney version of "A Christmas Carol"' voiced by Jim Carrey.I also like the Mr Magoo version,takes me back to my childhood years.

    1. Charlie Brown, now your'e talking Brian. My fave character was always Linus for some reason, with his blanket! And of course Snoopy and his buddy Woody! I like that Jim Carey Christmas Carol too. There's a good version from 1984 too with George C. Scott and Edward Woodward. I'm hoping to see the old British flick Tales from the Crypt with its fab Xmas opening story about an escaped lunatic dressed as Santa!

  4. "It's a Wonderful Life" is my all-time favorite, and IMO one of the most moving films ever made. Fortunately for those of us in Northern Virginia, a local theatre is showing it on the big screen. "One Magic Christmas" is also good, and shares a somewhat similar "what-if" story line. My wife's favorite is "Christmas Vacation", with "Home Alone" a close second.

    My plan is otherwise to watch the extended versions of the 3 Hobbit movies back-to-back.

    Happy holidays to everyone!

    Chris Johnson

    1. Yes Chris, Wonderful Life is imbued with the real spirit of the season and remains very topical given the financial crisis over the last decade. I don't know One Magic Christmas or Christmas Vacation, so I shall look them up. As for 3 hobbits all in one day, now that is a fine idea. I'll bring the popcorn and mince pies!

  5. I never got around to seeing the final installment in the Hobbit trilogy by P. Jackson, so maybe that one.

    1. Snuggle down in the den with it on Ed and maybe some egg nog in your hand! ha ha
