Tuesday, 27 December 2016

carrie fisher has died

Hard to believe but Carrie Fisher has passed away at just 60 years old.

The world seems a smaller place as a result. I'm stunned.

Its as if part of our cultural landscape has died.

Forever Princess Leia, you always gave us hope.

Gone to soon, may the Force bring you peace now.

RIP Carrie.


  1. Considering the mishaps endured by her fellow rebels, shes done remarkable well. Harrison Ford, some ten plus years older, crashed a plane and had some set joinery fall on him during filming of ep vii, Peter Mayhew has an unusual health condition, poor Kenny Baker spent most of his screen time in a dustbin and Mark Hamill was so disfigured in a car crash after Star Wars, that Lucas had to rewrite the script of Empire to accomodate the radical plastic surgery that reconstructed his face.

    Im going to finally see Rogue One tomorrow and I will fondly remember seeing the slim, feisty young girl in detention block 2187. Thats how I will remember her, always

  2. Rest in Peace, Carrie.

  3. Saw her on Graham Norton's chat show just a few weeks back, and on Jonathan Ross's not too long before that. Hard to believe she's no longer around, but she'll be immortal as long as Star Wars survives.

  4. I just read it myself a few minutes ago. In short - that sucks! We've lost too many artists this year at too young an age.

  5. That's -very- saddening news... And so young.
    I'll remember her vivaciousness, wit and good humour, both on and off screen.
