Tuesday, 15 November 2016

waiting for rambo

All I seem to do these days is work. Work work work. I've a stack of emails that need answering but I'm just too whacked. I'm waiting for Rambo.

Yes, Rambo is on at 10pm. First Blood in all its hick town Apocalypse glory.

Too old to have enjoyed any of the toys that it spawned, I could never understand why any were made in the first place. Surely Rambo wasn't for kids!

But tonight I shall not grapple with the moral maze of movie marketing but rather kick back and enjoy the mindless wrath of a scorned vet called John.


  1. Well bad news for you Woodsy, Rambo was indeed for kids. For some unknown reason, it was turned into a cartoon series (probably due to the popularity of GI Joe) which then of course, spawned the toy line. Of course it was majorly reworked (just like the Robocop cartoon). Here's the opening and pay attention to his magic red headband that passes through his hair!


    1. I never knew there was a cartoon Lance! ha ha. It makes sense there were toys now. I once bought a bulk lot of plastic Rambo mugs for my old toy stall in the Nineties. They sold really well. Its funny how the first - and best - film was called First Blood and not Rambo at all.
