Tuesday, 1 November 2016

imagine: john lennon letter hidden in a record!

I was amazed last week to hear on the news and in the papers that someone had found a letter by John Lennon in a Beatles LP he bought - at a car bool sale I think!

The letter was a signed draft of the one he sent to the Queen giving back his MBE! Talk about memorabilia!

The chances of finding anything interesting inside an album sleeve except the record and maybe a lyrics sheet or poster are so small its untrue. I know from my own experience. I have stacks of LP's and all is as it should be inside them.

It can happen though. I remember a workmate telling me his brother had found a letter inside a book on Everest. The letter was by Scott of the Antarctic no less! 

So when I myself found this old book on Everest with some papers inside last year in a charity shop in Llanfairfechan my heart did begin to pound! Alas, no letters from Scott this time but several excuse notes forged by a schoolboy in the Fifties so he could bunk off PE! Just my luck but I do like them all the same. Social history!

Have you found anything interesting hidden inside something else readers?


  1. I bought a box of scrap fabric at an auction of BBC once and it contained an original Blakes 7 costume! I did realise before I bid but nobody else did, so I got it very cheaply indeed!

    1. Amazing Kevin, what a find! Was the auction at the BBC?

  2. That one was at the BBC costume warehouse in Acton. I went to others at Bonhams in knightsbridge around the same time.

  3. Would you believe it Woodsy, a couple of years ago I found that exact same Everest book here in Helsinki - signed by the author! Not though by Sir Edmund Hillary, who provided one chapter. One of the most unlikely finds I can recall.

    1. Sweet serendipity! Its a lovely book too Arto. So yours is signed by John Hunt?

    2. Signed by John Hunt, with a dedication if I recall correctly. Still have the book, stored away somewhere.
