Sunday, 30 October 2016

lp astronauts and toy jets

I've just noticed that the above carded Acrobatic Team featured on Hugh's fantabulous Small Scale World website is a variation of my own Dare-devil and Valu-Pak bagged sets.

I got them both together, pictured below and except for the helicopter and the paratrooper its the same stuff just different colours!

Anyone else got any sets like these?

What are the jets?


  1. Sadly I don't have any. I wish I did though, Woodsy. I remember these fun cheap carded sets being sold in a long gone local post office, when I was a nipper.

    1. Yep, racks of carded bags and bubble packs were a magnet for us anklebiters weren't they Tone!

  2. Dassault/Mirages' for the slightly different delta's? I like to think the other is from the Trigan Empire, and one day will paint one-up as exactly that!

