Sunday, 7 August 2016

He Ain't Heavy, he's my Bruder

I do love small toys and especially space ones. Woodsy kindly hit the car boots for me while in Germany and came up trumps again.

Bruder toys, famous for farm toys, also make small Kinder egg style toys and novelties, which Ive enjoyed on the blog before, but Woodsy discovered two party bags of even smaller versions of the toys, just as well made and detailed.

Small space just got smaller, but no less fantastic! Thanks Woodsy!

1 comment:

  1. super photos Bill. Bruderful! It always amazes me how space toy designs that have lasted for decades seem to have done so by being party favours or cake decorations like these. These little fellas were in the party section of Toys R Us in Recklinghausen languishing behind some plastic medals!
