Wednesday, 17 August 2016


Elegance, charm and deadly danger!

When it comes to collecting vintage Thunderbird toys, the  Dinky FAB 1 Rolls Royce is definitely a must have.

These die-cast models were produced between 1966 to 1977, and featured detailed painted figures of  Parker at the wheel, and Lady Penelope elegantly seated in the back. The figures were covered  by a clear plastic canopy which also slid back .

It has a front firing missile, which shot out of the Rolls Royce radiator grill, and four harpoon type missiles shooting out at the back.

Like most Dinky toys it went through a few subtle changes over the years during it's manufacture. Generally speaking there are four slightly different Penelope pink  versions, and a darker fluorescent coloured pink version (Collectors have reported other colours which could possibly be prototypes, factory errors or simply 'code 3' fakes )  

The simple rule of thumb is early versions had painted pink strips running down the back of the canopy, later versions are clear.  There are also four different types of wheel hubs, starting with a 'Star' type, followed by  smaller Spun, which had larger tyres, then cast with large tyres, and finally smaller Cast, which are the type that appear in my photos.

" Parker, get out the Rolls Royce!"

"Yes M'lady"


  1. How do you think the Corgi version of the car compares to the Dinky one? I note that the relatively recent re-release of the Corgi Fab 1 doesn't have the Rolls Royce insignia on the radiator, unlike the first version of a few years ago. Which do you prefer or think more accurate - Corgi or Dinky?

    1. The Corgi one has more detail, but its based on the full size puppet version so its got that bulbous canopy. The Dinky one is a lot sleeker looking, but if I had to chose I'd go for the Dinky purely for nostalgic reasons.

  2. Yes, the Dinky is sleeker in profile, but it has two doors each side instead of only one. (Although I think there was an actual, full-size, Fab 1 car that had two doors either side.) Nostalgia, eh? There's no getting away from it.

    1. You said it Kid, it's what we're all about. : )

  3. Can the different shades of pink on the dinky' date them as well?

    1. Apart from the florescent one,I'm not sure whether there are significantly different shades of the actual pink,Woodsy

  4. Keep 'em comin' Scoop! I've enjoyed every photo :-)

  5. Hi Guys.
    I like the Dinky Toys "FAB 1" so much I have done a book on it detailing 14 versions and you can see a running slide show of it

    Hope you enjoy it.

    1. That's cool Ghosthunter. if you would like to send me a copy of the book I will hold a competition on the blog to win it! Just an idea. Cheers, Woodsy

    2. Thank's WOODSY.
      It is now out of date but since doing it I have not found any additional versions.

      In the coming Year, I will be in a position to have some reprints done, so yes I should be able to offer one to you to use as a prize.


    3. Sounds cool Ghosthunter! Thanks a bunch!

  6. My plans have been drastically changed by both parents ending up in Hospital during December and January across 2016-17.

    I lost my best friend and Dad on January the 8th and nearly lost Mum on January 24th.

    This caused my social and hobby activities to be put on hold for a while. I also note the company I would have used for my ''FAB 1'' book has closed for good, no more business from them!

    I will have to use somebody else now, but this has cause some delay. The move I had to do has now put a lot of my model collection in storage and it's taking a while to sort that out!

    It seems somebody has decided to turn my World into a living nightmare!!

    I am physically and mentally drained from all this, but my hobby and contributions to a few model car forums is helping me to re-focus my life.

    My Dad was very proud of my achievements in the model car hobby and I have decided to poor what resources I have left into my model car collection to make it even better than it was before he passed away.


    1. Dear Ghosthunter, last year we corresponded about the FAB1. Alas I have lost your email address as I have changed my laptop. I am aware of your loss this year and just wanted to ask if you might email me again so that I hace your email address. My new one is Please insert the ATSYMBOL where it says. Thanks, Woodsy.
