Tuesday, 5 July 2016


There was plenty of models to keep the Space 1999 fans happy at Smallspace, some original props and some excellent replicas. Here are a few photos of just some of the models on display.

Eagle Transporters were well represented with three impressive original models. Two 44" and one 22", as well as Chris Potter's excellent replica 44" laboratory Eagle.

Above, the popular Hawk miniature as seen in War Games. You can see part of the small Ultraprobe model next to it, which I've featured on an earlier post.

The three great looking lunar tanks first seen in The Infernal Machine.

I love the unique and alien design of the Kaldorian ship from Earthbound. I'm told this original model was built by Master Models.

Another strange design is Jarak's ship from Alpha Child.  This is the smaller of the  two models built by Martin Bower when he first got the job making models for the series.

Another Martin Bower model, the Dorcon Probeship from The Dorcons.  The other ship in centre of the photo is one of the ships used in the space graveyard as seen in The Metamorph 

The smaller 26" model of the Psychon Ship from the episode The Metamorph.

The front section of the Menon ship from Space Warp.

The Space Mines from Collision Course. The upper photo showing the Eagle  grab on the larger scale model.

Finally, the Pilot Ship from Bringers Of Wonder.


  1. Nice photos. Isn't it great that so many original 99 props have survived?

    1. Yes indeed Kev. I remember seeing a lot more at Space City in Blackpool, including the Altaires model, but they don't seem to get displayed these days.

  2. Oh yes, I remember Blackpool. The working commlock was there, wired up to a cctv camera. They had a full size moon buggy and command centre consoles as well as lots of props.

  3. We'd love to get more in, but it's only a small venue! Paul Fitzmaurice

    1. Don't worry, it was still a fantastic day, Paul. (it's not called Smallspace for nothing :D ) Thanks again to you and Mat, and everyone involved. Well worth the journey.
