Sunday, 5 June 2016


The number of small LP style bagged space sets that were released in the Sixties and Seventies never ceases to amaze me. 

These interesting bagged sets appeared on Ebay recently.

These three Space Sets feature Thunderbirds style header art, LP style astronauts, a yellow SPV and a red Molab.

These three AOK Astronaut to the Moon bags feature Apollo Moon Exploring style vehicles, LP brand grey astronauts and Giant brand aliens.

Anyone got any sets like these readers?

Wotan wades in. I had this very set, but its missing the Thunderbird 3. I still have this, the Spv an Molab were given to friends. 

The set would also have come with a plaxtic TB5 like this.


  1. I had some sets like this as a child. I know I got robots similar to those in the third picture in at least 2 different sets. Probably purchased 76-79, the older space sets I had would have been more typical looking astronauts.

    1. Great memory that JD. It's amazing that these sets were still being sold in the late Seventies. Wish I'd have got some then too! As far as I can tell similar sets to these are still being made as cake decorations in China although I have no idea where.
