Thursday, 30 June 2016


A 1978 article heralding a new Sci-fi series for the BBC, Blake's Seven

I can still remember watching that first episode, and continued to follow it throughout all it's four seasons.

However it's not a series I've ever bothered to return to, as apart from the Liberator model, it just holds no appeal for me anymore. Maybe it's the pessimistic aspects of the story, or possibly the lack of what I consider to be  likeable characters - Avon tries to come close as the titular anti- hero, starting out as a Mr Spock clone in the early episodes, before finally evolving into a sardonic swash buckling space buccaneer.

I'll forgive the low budget effects, and the costumes that look like they came out of  a jumble sale. As we all know the BBC at the time just didn't have the resources to compete with glossy American space operas.  Not that it ever stopped them. Remember those other pedestrian  BBC dramas set in space, Star Cops and Moonbase 3!


  1. What do you mean? Costumes from a jumble sale? I spent a fortune buying them off the BBC! (Mind you, I think you're right!).

  2. I remember this Radio Times article too and Starburst magazine had several articles about the series around that time. Loved the first two series, particularly the Federation stuff. it was never the same for me when Gareth Thomas and Sally Knyvette left. The change of actor playing Travis didn't work for me either. The costumes got more and more ridiculous in the later series (it went all Flash Gordon) and apart from a few shots of the Scorpio the FX in the last series were pretty terrible (back to the old fuzzy chromakey stuff). The final episode is still stunning though and brave of them to do. Now does anyone remember the article in Titbits magazine heralding Space 1999 ? I used to have the poster on my wall.

    1. I've still got that Titbits magazine Yorkie. I did a piece on it a while back on the blog.

  3. Can't agree about Starcops, which I think stands up well, apart from strange stereotyped views of foriegn people in the stories.

    1. I love Star Cops!

    2. I think we'll agree to disagree folks. I've got one episode on VHS taped at the time it was shown, about the extraterrestrial hoax. It's just comes across as a dull office type drama that just happens to be set in space. Maybe if it had got more than nine episodes broadcast it might have developed but I doubt it.

    3. Oh no, I've just been reminded about the naff theme song. I'll get my coat. ; )

    4. Got the 7" and 12" singles of the naff theme song. You've got to be tough to be a Star Cops fan!

    5. Ha, ha! Why doesn't that surprise me. I know when I'm beat . You're certainly a 'star', Kev ; )
