Monday, 2 May 2016


Another problem for The Green Hornet, his aide Kato, and their rolling arsenal, The Black Beauty...

Just a quick post to  thank everyone who took the time to look at, and maybe comment on my recent Green Hornet posts. I'm fairly sure some of you might not have even heard of the character, let alone seen the series but overall they all seemed to have been received rather well,

There's still a few points I didn't cover - the modern series of NOW comics, a steampunk version, the DC comics written by Kevin Smith, and the recent feature film which starred Seth Rogan. 

I'll leave those for another day - So for now, I'll let the Green Hornet and Kato get on with their clandestine crimefighting.

Thanks again guys.


  1. Congratulations on that thorough coverage of the subject, Mike.

    I had (maybe still have) the original Corgi Black Beauty, but never saw the series on tv or in comics. I've learned a few things, and your write-ups are very much how I like them. :) My hat's off to you!

    Cheers -- Paul

    1. I agree Paul. Superb job Scoop, a proper serial! It's a shame that there was never a Corgi Rockets version if it as well or a Corgi Juniors. I'd have got one of those too!

    2. Thanks fellas, I appreciate that.

      I'm glad you got something out of it Paul, considering it would have been largely a mystery to you.

      Woodsy, Johnny Lighting did a small corgi junior size Black Beauty (one black and one green!!) But they were based on the Aurora kit version.


    3. Ah, sorry Scoop. I had one as a kid, but haven't got around to adding one to the toy collection these days. But... since reading your articles, I've found myself looking at a few on eBay... it's all your fault :)

    4. I like it, Tony. With you and Ed both on the look out for Black Beauty's I should be on commission from eBay ; D

  2. Top class research Scoop and a very enjoyable series of Green Hornet articles :)

    1. Cheers Tony. Looking at the photos of your collection the other day I wouldn't be surprised if you've got a Corgi Black Beauty tucked away somewhere ; )

  3. Awesome Scoop! Back in the day if you're freinds knew you watched Batman and not The Green Hornet you'd be ostracized from the group :-)

    1. Ha,ha!Serious stuff Ed. At least you got to see it at the time, I had to wait years before I saw the full series.

    2. I think you're the Green Hornet really Scoop! ha ha
