Saturday, 28 May 2016

Thats You Licked!

Dalek Death Ray lolly and Super spy with the codebreaker stick. You wrote with a biro or pencil via the stencil on one end, then flipped it round to get the other half of the code! Death Ray had something printed on the stick as i recall.


  1. nope, never licked either of them, which is odd, seeing as I grew up in the North West just like you! As for Walls and Daleks, they can't get over 'em!

  2. Those would have been a neat treat back when I was a wee one. We never got those in the US that I am aware of. We did however have some popsicle company do the plastic stick that had various shapes cut into it (circle, moon, triangle etc) that you could use as a drawing aid.

    1. That's clever that Lance, a plastic stick that was a drawing template! The simple pleasures. I wonder of that would interest today's kids?

  3. Wall's always had these cool flavor combinations.The only one that I ever saw here in the States was called Dracula's Secret and at was Green Apple on the outside and blood red cherry on the inside. Of course there was always the all American "Firecracker" in red ,white and blue colors.

    1. Dracula's Secret, now that's a cool name for a lolly. I think we had the same here, the inside was bright red Jelly. The outside may have been jet black but I may be wrong. There was also a Dracula shaped lolly too. Strange how old fang face became a lolly staple and not say The Mummy or Wolfie!
