Saturday, 21 May 2016


I've been re-watching Get Smart starring Don Adams for a little feature I'm working on and I came across this scene in one of the episodes which features Maxwell Smart and Agent 99 being cornered in a toy shop.

Smart has the choice between a Johnny Seven and a Remco Bazooka.

"I was a champion marksman with a Johnny Seven, Would you believe it, 99, A champion marksman?"

"I find that very hard to believe, Max!"

Would you believe a ping-pong ball firing Bazooka, 99?" 

"Sure Max, but the men from KAOS have all gone to the Project SWORD display".



  1. Replies
    1. Sorry about that, Chief!

    2. Is there a nuke ferry in the show too? Beautiful stills Scoop. Its amazing where the Johnny 7 turned up. I'm pretty sure I had that guitar on the wall when I was a nipper. Selcol rings a bell.

    3. Selcol certainly did toy guitars, Woodsy. They did a Beatles one, would you believe it, Woodsy, a Beatles one?

    4. Yep, that would be something. Imagine finding a Selcol Beatles Guitar at a boot sale for 50p! ha ha. Oddly enough, T in a Circle made a plastic guitar as well. I can see a plastic clarinet in a box too. the jousting set is amazing, that's a new one on me, I'd have loved it as a kid. Wonder what you're supposed to use as a horse?

    5. Ha, ha! The chances of finding any vintage Beatles memorabilia at a boot sale for .50p would be fairly slim, Woodsy.

      You could have used your push bike as a horse in the sixties, Woodsy. You couldn't do it now of course, too many health & safety rules nowadays!

    6. ha ha! Maybe even ride your Brother or piggyback your Sister! They'd have thrown me off though! I did have a plastic knight's set: helmet with visor, sword and scabbard and best of all, a breastplate, which I think is called a cuirass. Cuirass! ha ha, sounds like a remedy for after a good curry! Sorry, I'm lowering the tone again.

    7. Sounds like you were positively medieval all those years ago in darkest Preston, Woodsy. I don't remember having a Knight outfit as a youngster, but I did have dozens of Timpo model Knights and a painted hardboard castle.

    8. I love to see plastic swords in scabbards at beach shops at the seaside even now. Takes me right back! Yep. I had Timpo knights and loads of rigid silver painted knights, which I just loved. Those medieval carpet wars were just brill, especially when a UFO Interceptor turned up!
