Monday, 2 May 2016

McDonalds Install Computer Games

After a long hiatus I went into our local McDonalds today. 

I couldn't believe my eyes! 

Some of the seating areas have been turned into games stations where kids can play computer games on screens built onto the tables!

Do our kids really need computer games whilst eating fast food? 

Is this progress? What do you think readers? Am I a McFossil?


  1. I would guess it is a ploy to get kids back into their restaurants.My grandkids and their friends won't eat there at all,which I guess is probably better for their overall health.I still like to have an occasional Big Mac or Quarter Pounder(or whatever you call them across the pond)I'm afraid that the chain may not be able to survive as an occasional treat,therefore they are trying to lure more customers with things like coffee drinks for adults and the aforementioned tech games for the kids.Perhaps a license to sell liquor after dark will be their next move ;) Mc Booze ,anyone?

    1. McBooze! ha ha. We do have McCafe here, which I assume is coffee served at McDonalds. I suppose my concern about the computer screens is a fear that we are creating a generation of stepford kids who are incapable of socialising with other kids except online. I imagine our own parents or grandparents had the same fear when TV turned up and we all started staring at it for hours on end! I'm think I'm just getting old!
