Sunday, 8 May 2016


Reading about Laserblast [1978] in my Halliwell's Film Guide stationed in the khazi I was excited about mention of many cereal-packet style model spacecraft. So from the bog to the blog I did a little research.

Alas, my laser-zest faded when I scanned the only copy I could find on You Tube, the Mystery Science Thearte 3K version. Skimming through the whole 90 minutes I could see just one spaceship, which was not a breakfast cereal model. I was gutted.

Laserblast appears to be a sort of bullied-kid-finds-alien-blaster-and-seeks-revenge sort of flick. Every review I have read describes it as a lame, trashy, cheapo turkey and just plain bad. 

The only positive comment I could find was about the stop motion aliens, which look like a cross between the Eraserhead baby and ET.

Amazingly it has a really sizable page on Wikipedia, which suggests some Laserblast love somewhere.

Usually I will give a film a whirl but the sheer number of moans about Laserblast have put me off.

Should I bother to watch it readers?


  1. i saw in drive in with my family aged 7 and enjoyed it

    1. Drive-ins! Wow! That's one experience I can never share Konsumterra as we didn't have them in Northern England when I was a kid. I doubt if there were ever any in the UK. What was it like at a drive-in? Are you in the States?

  2. I've seen it a couple times and kinda like it. Definitely low-budget and slow-ish in the middle... but watchable. It's along the quality scale of similar movies from the era like Bug and The Car and Eat My Dust.

    1. Bug, Wow! That was a great film. Quite grisly if I recall. I don't think its been seen on British TV for decades. Last time I checked you had to pay to watch it on You Tube as well. As for The Car and Eat My Dust, those are new ones on me. I will check them out.

    2. Yeah, Bug is by far my favorite of those... by 'quality' I just mean general budget, level of acting... they all take place around small desert communities.
      Laserblast is probably the worst of them, but still has charm, IMO.
