Tuesday, 3 May 2016



Prompted by the recent blog post, I trawled my old photos to see if I had one of the old stereogram or music centre This was the best I could find, it is the stereogram and I think the photo was late 60's or early 70's (we moved into that house in 1968). Couldn't find the music centre but it was a 'Ferguson Studio 50D', you can still see them online in all their smoked plastic glory!

Sorry the photo is so poor (I doubt it is useable) it is just part of an image from an old 126 camera, I just thought you'd be interested.

Take care,

Kevin D


Pics of our 1974 Sony Music Center and great Stranglers Pink Vinyl EP..I only buy Vinyl..cant stand CD's! 

Rob T


Hi Woodsy,

Just caught up with the blog and really enjoyed the article and great pictures featuring Kevin and Rob's vintage record players. 

Inspired, I ventured into the Attic of K to search for my original basic Steepletone, which came from dear old mum's mail order catalogue. 

I found it and also unearthed a few of my favourite records, most of which I'm sure I got from Woolies?

Pix attached - If it isn't to late, you're welcome to add them to the article if you wish.

Tony K


  1. I still have my Pioneer turntable from the '80s (I think it's a PL_88?? - it's put away so I can't look) but it's 'champagne' colored and made to slide in-&-out of its housing to save space. I still have much of my vinyl but am going to get rid of it - haven't listened to any of it it in over 30 years.

    1. get it out Ed and get some albums playin! At least save your LP's for your Grandkids!

    2. problem is, it's the only piece of equipment I have left - no speakers, no receiver or pre-amp/amp - nuttin'!

    3. ha ha, the bare essentials Ed!

  2. Really cool to see these vintage machines. They make me think of my first record player, delivered from my mums Kays mail order catalogue in the 70s. Thanks for posting !

    1. Ah, Kays catalogue Tony, the Amazon of its day! There was Grattan as well wasn't there?

  3. Yep Woodsy, there were quite a few of them. Mail order was the popular 'in thing' back then. I always looked forward to the arrival of the Autumn/Winter catalogue, to see what toys were hopefully in the frame for Christmas. I'd guess other readers may remember them with affection.

    1. I agree. Catalogues were as much part of our lives as the Internet is now. Stuff was being ordered all the time especially at Christmas when tons of gifts were ordered. I have no idea how it was delivered. Royal Mail or the Catalogues' own drivers?
