Thursday, 26 May 2016


You just can't beat original pictures of vintage Century 21 toys and their contemporaries. Its like historical evidence, priceless for toy researchers and collectors.

Here's such a picture from Lady Penelope comic. It crammed with multiple examples of Penelope toys such as make-Up sets and Fairylite dolls.

The Cosmeti-Kits are a new one on me with the photo box of a young girl's head. behind them is a cool colour picture of the rare Lady Penelope Tea Set. I just wish I had a bigger version of this image to see all the other goodies hiding in there.

The same goes for the blurb, which is too small for me to read.

Can anyone assist?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Woodsy,
    If you hold your control key down and then roll your scroll button on the mouse up or down you can enlarge the pictures. A little blurry but readable.

    Sacramento, CA
